Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Chilean band playing salsa music in Brazil

There are 38 people in our program. I think all 38 of us were out last night together celebrating one of the girl's 21st birthday. She is Brazilian and Chinese, cool right?! We were in Pelourinho which is in the western part of Salvador. This is where slaves received their punishment during the time when the Portuguese invaded this native land. But anyways....The live band filled with drums on the street was awesome! People were dancing freely.

After that we went to a club/bar for a night of salsa music. I like salsa music but i still need more practice in dancing to it. I'm very eager to learn; want to teach me? Obrigado (thank you). I had 4 Capirinha's which is equivalent to about 8 shots worth of Brazilian liquor. Success. The night had it's FUgly parts, but what can you do. hmmm. You get to see people's hidden side when they drink. I'm very observant. Lets converse about it over coffee.

Anyways....Today i got out of class at 12:00. Then sat for 20 minutes listening to pointless info. Walked home for 20 minutes. Ate for 20 minutes. Did my hw, and got back to my next class which started at 1:30pm. Crazy. Once class was over, went to the mall to try and buy a phone. Fail. Foreigners need passports to obtain a cellular device and i don't carry mine with me. Oh and i bought a highlighter! I can't read and mark stuff down without one.

My host sister who is 25 has a 2 year old son. He calls me "uncle Bryant," but in English, not in Portuguese. I hope he doesn't cry when I leave.


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